Thursday, September 10, 2009

Save Sense

Saving money is one of the most important things that we can do in order to live a happier life. It isn’t impossible to do even though some people think it is difficult. Saving money for a rainy day, in reality, most people find it hard to develop and stick with a responsible savings plan. It may take a good deal of commitment and sacrifice for us to reach our personal savings goals.

We don’t have to be good in mathematics or do not know anything about investment. We just need to stick to the basic financial plan;
Keep our expenses below our income
Put a certain proportion for future expenses or emergencies
Save a certain proportion for retirement

That’s all for personal finance. If on our personal finance journey, we become interested enough to study investment terms, we at least go beyond the basic, we probably do better than those who are willing to take high risk on their savings. If not, it will be okay if we just stick to the basic.